
Wellness Through Exercise

What is Biokinetics?

BIO + KINETICS = LIFE + MOVEMENT = Life through movement

A biokineticist is a clinical exercise specialist that treats a variety of conditions with exercise as a modality. The scope of biokinetics entails primary health care that is concerned with movement impairment, health promotion, physical abilities and final phase rehabilitation. A biokineticist evaluates and measures: body posture, body composition, blood pressure, glucose levels, lung function, heart rate, fitness, muscle strength, endurance, power, flexibility and other physiological responses to exercise through scientifically based assessment tools. Evidence-based exercise is then personalised to the client’s needs and prescribed based on this scientific assessment of the condition. The Roné Grobbelaar Biokineticist practice hereby aims to improve all clients’ physical wellbeing and quality of life by using exercise for prevention and maintenance of physical abilities as well as the enhancement of sport and work performance.

Movement is an essential part of everyday life, depended on constantly by people of all ages. Movement is critical for most work and recreation and allows people to interact more fully and navigate about their daily activities. Therefore, movement is a defining element of quality of life. Movement may be diminished or lost because of hereditary factors, aging, injury or disease. Such loss may occur gradually, over the course of a lifetime, or traumatically in an instant.

Meet your Biokineticists